Handsplit and Resawn Shakes

Red Cedar Shakes are available in 18’’ and 24’’ lengths. The most common length is 24’’. The most common thickness are ½’’ and ¾’’. Thicker shakes are usually referred to as jumbos, they are available on a custom cut basis.
Shakes comes in two primary grades, Premium Grade Blue Label and Number 1 Grade Blue Label. Premium shake have 100% edge grain, heartwood and are 100% clear. The Nmber 1 shakes must have a minimum of 80% edge grain.
Tapersawn Shakes
Tapersawns are sawn on both sides. They are available in 18’’ and 24’’ lengths. The thickness of them vary from 5/8’’ to 7/8’’. Tapersawns offer a thicker shadow line while still presenting a smooth tailored look.
Tapersawn shakes are available in Premium and Number 1 grades. Premium Tapersawn must have 100% edge grain. The Number 1 Tapersawn must have a minimum of 80% edge grain.
Perfection Shingles

“Perfection” refers to all red cedar shingles that are 18’’ in length in all grades. Perfections are the most commonly used shingles in most markets worldwide. Majority of them are produced in British Columbia and shipped to markets around the world.
Perfection shingles are 0.45’’ thick. The recommended exposure for an 18’’ shingle roof is 5½’’. This overlapping provides a 3-ply, watertight construction.